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God’s Ascension Church – Eroilor, OltenițaCod 1268

For the construction of a new halidom, the city hall of Oltenița donated a land with a surface of 3000 square meters. The archpriest parish district of the county of Ilfov, Circa no. 2, Budești, where the archpriest parish district formerly had its residence. Together with the city hall there has been summoned on the day of the 25th of July 1937, the general congregation meeting of the Congregation of the urban commune Oltenița, in the room of the Commune Theater, where it has been discussed the construction of a new church which was about to be built-up on the land donated by the City Hall. The construction plan of the new worship building was drafted by the architect Henrieta Delavrancea – Gibory. For the fund raising, there was made a list of public subscription. The place chosen for the building of this worship was near the cemetery of the heroes fallen on these places in the First World War, watched over by the monument raised in the memory of the heroes who sacrificed themselves for bringing together the Romanian people, and the Monument of the Unknown Hero. In the foundation document it is shown the fact that the construction “will bear the name of the “Church of Heroes”, because of the fact that such a church was meant to be raised on the places where many battles have been fought for the protection of the country and of the entire people and where the heroes rest.”

Meanwhile, the passing of the years left its mark and the construction has degenerated, and following the earthquake from the 4th of March 1977, the grand dome of the church was seriously damaged. Therefore, in the year 1977 – 1978, the grand dome of the church has been consolidated, the roof has been rectified, and it got back to the initial painting executed by the painter C. Călinescu. Closer to our days, between the years 2005 and 2006, there have been imposed new renovation works at the place of worship.

This church has the shape of a shipboard, built from brick, owns three built up domes and covered with galvanized plates, two raised on the narthex of an octagonal shape, the other one raised over the nave, has 12 sides and on each side a window. The place of worship has the length of 23 m, the width of 8 m and the height of 18 m. The grand dome is supported on 4 circle arcs which form 4 pendants of medium dimensions. The altar is semi-circular, covered by a spherical semi-calotte and it is separated from the nave by an altar screens sculpted in wood and covered in gold leaf. The nave comes in the extension of the narthex, and, on side and the other of the nave, we have two small grooves, which give the sensation of existing two apses.

In the nave, as well as in the narthex, there are two new candelabrums, executed in bronze. In the narthex there are two piers which form three arcades and which are extended by a wall until the arch with a semi-cylindrical shape, in the back of which there is situated the steel-lattice mast, which has the balustrade built and painted with saint medallions. The balcony, very spacious, has a square shape, and above it we find a spherical calotte on which it is painted, on a large medallion, St. John Baptist, being extended downside with biblical scenes.

The church was painted by the painter C. Călinescu in the year 1939. The oil painting, in the Romanian Neo-realist style, was also restored in the year 1977 by the painter N. Samoilă and in the year 2006 by the painter Nichita Ioan.


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