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Heroes Monument, CernavodaCod 1072

In honor of Cernavoda heroes who fell on the battlefield was  built since 1924 in Central Park of the city, a monument that watches over the entire city. The atatue of heroes or the “eagle in the park” as it is called by locals, has endured harsh weather over time, so that it now enchants the passers’ eyes. Acts of bravery bide also today, and reminds passers about the heroes who gave their lives for their country. For locals it is a real emblem of the city.  Every year, during the days of heroes,  are celebrated at the monument religious services, supported by a group of priests in the city. During the first World War, the life of the Cernavoda city has ceased for two years. On 23-24-25 October 1916, the defense that Romanian troops of II Division done (aided by gendarmes body from Cernavoda)  for Cernavoda city, was a special moment in the history of our war of reunification. The Marshal himself, the famous German August von Mackensen ordered, exasperated by the heroic resistance of Cernavoda: “I expect that Rasova and Cernavoda fall until tonight because there is no place for obstacles!”

On reunification of the Romanian people, blood contribution of the small town of Cernavoda was significant, and  for the exaltation of the national ideal and as a tribute  due to those who sacrificed their lives on the altar of the Fatherland, the Cernavoda people have built in 1924 a monument of heroes  right in the city center. A cylindrical column rises on a pedestal, surrounded by a laurel leaves crown, finished with a ionic capital, whereby a eagle with its outstretched wings is fixed. The monument is made of white stone and mosaic, and has a height of 7.35 meters. On the main front of the monument is the following inscription: „ To Cernavoda citizens, in honor and eternal worship of heroes who died for unification of the Romanian people. 1916-1918”. The author of this monument is a sculptor from Cernavoda, Italian by origin, Pietro D’Elia. Since its year of inauguration, at all its homage events, Townspeople gather at the monument to lay wreaths: “150 years since the death of Transylvanian martyrs Horea, Cloşca and Crisan at the monument of heroes from the public garden will be laid a wreath in their memory.”

During the Danube – Black Sea Canal works from the 50s, the monument is seriously damaged but in 1974, by another citizens’ initiative it is completely restored by Antonio D`Elia son of Pietro D`Elia. All have now been added to the monument including names of the heroes from Cernavoda, who died in the Second World War. For almost a century the “eagle park,” as it is called in popular language was a true bridge between times. The  ladies of interwar period were walking next to it and young people of the XXIst century  and, at its base took place every year, all the celebrations commemorating the heroes from Cernavoda.

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