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Mangalia Stud Farm, MangaliaCod 1197

The stud farm from Mangalia was not established here by accident, but there were also taken into account the geo-climatic conditions of forming the Arabian breed. The special climatic conditions have allowed the formation of a Mangalia Arabian horse with special qualities. The stud farm from Magalia is the biggest one from the south-eastern part of Europe and is populated only by breed horses: Arabian thorough-bred, medium heavy and a few ponies. The stud farm is a place with tradition, being consolidated as far back as 1926. Then, at Mangalia there were grown Arabian horses brought from the stud farms from Jegălia, Cislău and Rădăuți. Between 1936 and 1941, the stud farm has imported from Poland new “lines” of thorough-bred studs: El-Sbaa and Nedjari. The surface of the stud farm from Mangalia exceeds 580 hectares, of which 400 hectares are cultivated with green crops, which ensure the necessary of food for the over 350 horses. The hippodrome from Mangalia, the only one in the country being especially conceived for the gallop races, is ranged for a surface of 19 hectares. Here there are developed, throughout summer, in the month July until September, horse races which are attended by stud farms and private breeders from all the country.

Besides the zoo-technical profile, the Stud Farm also represents an excellent leisure center and a show place. The complex disposes of a trap hippodrome, and inside the unities it is practiced horse riding, there can be made leisure walks – on horseback or with a carriage – alongside the Black Sea.

The thorough-bred Arabian studs are trained daily by the 8 jockeys from the stud farm, who answer, each of them, by five specimens. The training of 8 hours per day for each of the jockeys alternates rounds of trap, gallop, extended gallop and slow walks. The most beautiful show is offered by the horses taken on the seashore, periodically, where they are trained several hours, to the delight of the locals, witnesses of a rare show, between the resorts Saturn and Venus. A well-grown horse can reach, usually, 30 years of life.

The “record man” for age from the Stud Farm from Mangalia was Nedjari, King’s Mihai stud, who died at the “honorable” age of 34 years, in 1946.

Activities which can be developed:

  1. Circuit – the presentation of the stud farm with a guide (45 min.)
  2. Horse riding – with an instructor
  3. Equestrian festivities
  4. Obstacle circuit
  5. Archery
  6. Traditional Romanian evenings with artistic program
  • popular dances and customs;
  • parties with folk music band
  • traditional Romanian food.


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