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The City Hall from Medgidia, MedgidiaCod 1226

In 1865, the inhabitants request to the governor of Dobrogea for the new locality to be names Medgidia, as a sign of acknowledgement for their protector, Abdul Medgid.

After the independence war (1877 – 1878), Dobrogea came back to his native country, Romania, and the Bourg from Medgidia comes back to life and starts to get organized. In December 1878 it is chosen the Commune Council and it is constituted the chancellery of the City Hall. One year later, here there were registered 300 houses with 1500 inhabitants. The year 1882 is marked by the founding of the commune hospital and of the first pharmacy from the city. The growing of the population is made in a moderate rhythm, therefore in 1884 there are registered 2449 inhabitants, and in 1903 in 879 houses there lived 2858 souls.

In 1886, there is built up the mixed primary school for the poor children of the city. This was the third school which was founded in Medgidia, a school of boys and one of girls, was built in 1879.

The interest for Medgidia seems to also penetrate the writers of science – fiction literature. Jules Verne publishes in 1883 the novel Keraban the stubborn in which the heroes of the book arrive in Dobrogea and stop at Medgidia.

In the year 1893 starts the construction of the commune palace, representative building of the city which, in the course of time, suffered different reparations and changes.

One of the important mayors of Medgidia was I. N. Roman, whose name is connected to various events which marked this end of the century. As an honor brought by the people to this personality, in 1936 it is founded a community center which bears his name and it is situated in the house of Ibrahim Themo.


In 1901, the city of Medgidia had 36 streets, a couple of them were paved or surfaced, 7 small hotels and 10 inns. It was among the other localities of the county, the most developed one.

The cultural activity of the city Medgidia is well maintained on one side by the merchants, industrialists, agriculturalists who didn’t precede into investing in spiritual manifestations such as building the public libraries, but also by the city hall who had in the annual budget as special destination funds for the advancement of the artistic and cultural move. In August 1936, appears at Medgidia the first magazine called the Voice of Dobrogea.

In 1940, the country enters into war, numberless were the soldiers who left from Medgidia in order to fight on the front. Until the starting of the war, Medgidia was absolutely the city with the wealthiest people, but even without being made a statistics, from the total number of the inhabitants, at least one half owned big surfaces of land, the monopoly of the commerce and of the industry. After the ending of the war, the communist abundance started with the dispossession of the lands. On the 27th of February 1965, there was inaugurated the sanitary complex formed by a hospital and a modern polyclinic. In the year 1970, the city had a public bath with a capacity of 40 places, a hotel with 52 places and 60 telephone subscribers.

1989 – the year which changes the course of history. At Medgidia, like all the country, people reacted spontaneously and tried to reestablish the entering into normality. In this period, people try to reconstitute the image of a destroyed patrimony, to redeem their rights, to participate voluntarily with suggestions and facts at the material and spiritual building up of the city.

The year 1994 brings to Medgidia a great accomplishment, namely the one of becoming a city, a municipality.


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