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The Traian Bellu Lawyer’s House, ConstanțaCod 1096

After Anghel Saligny’s plans, the lawyer Traian Bellu, a reputed lawyer of interwar Constanta built an imposing house with tower which combines the Neo-Baroque and Neo-Romanian elements.

The house is designed in 1913. Construction has an original architectural style dating back to 1930.

After nationalization is converted into a block of flats and degradation process  of the building begins. Fortunately since 2000 entering the private property is renovated and transformed into “Hotel Carol”.

Today Hotelul Carol from Constanța is a boutique hotel of 24 rooms furnished in Victorian style generating an aristocratic ambience.

The Hotel has 2 conference rooms and a restaurant.

Anghel I. Saligny  (born 19 April 1854Serbaneșticounty of Galați – died in 17 June 1925Bucharest), academician, civil engineer, Romanian minister and educator is considered one of the  global technology pioneer in design and construction of bridges and silo with  metal structure or reinforced concrete, one of the founders of the Romanian engineering.

He projected the railways Adjud – Targu Ocna, creating the first combined bridges – road and railway from our country (1881-1882).

He projected and built many metallic bridges, replacing the bad ones, executed by foreign companies, such as the bridge over the Siret at Cosmesti of 430 m length (1888)..

Relying on own inventions, built for the first time in the world, reinforced concrete silos in Braila and Galati.

Between 1884 – 1889 he worked on the construction of docks and warehouses in Galati and Braila.

Based on own inventions, Anghel Saligny built the world’s first reinforced concrete silos, from Braila (1888) and Galati (1889), only two decades after the Frenchman Joseph Monier (1823-1906) obtained in 1867 the first patent for the construction elements (beams, slabs, columns) of reinforced concrete, this material less studied at that time.

His most important work is design in 1888 and construction between 1890 – 1895 the bridge over Danube in  Cernavoda, which was, at that time, the longest in Europe and the most important large-span steel bridges in the world.

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