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National Pedagogical College, ConstanțaCod 1120

A constant interest for education issues after Dobrogea reintegration in the country in November 1878 was manifested.

Opera founder of schools of the man and patriot Ion Banescu is crowned through establishment of the Normal School in Constanta. Noted politician Take Ionescu, Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education at the time, which, on 22 October 1893 signed the order establishing the school, “with the purpose to prepare teachers, and schoolmasters for Dobrogea” notifies the Ion Bănescu that, since November the 1st he, is entrusted with the direction of the Normal School.

The School had male students four classes of graduates, regardless of age, ” students gathered from the villages even by Bănescu”. Turkish and Bulgarian language learning is planned in the curriculum, a rare thing in other parts of the world, to give education the possibility of a greater soul closeness by the inhabiting ethnics  groups,  the School being called to be their binder. Headed by a Director diligent and skillful, mainly helped by a teaching staff, the School was “very promising”. In September 1895, at the inauguration of Cernavoda bridge, the Normal School was visited by the King Carol I, accompanied by Take Ionescu and by General Poenaru, “which remained completely satisfied, the king congratulating the director for how he found school “.

On the 1st of July 1896, due to financial reasons, the Normal School is eliminated and teachers will form the teaching staff of the secondary school “Mircea cel Batran”,  created at the time of Normal School dissolution.

Continuous developing of the maritime region and the need for well-trained teachers linked to these places require for the Normal School reestablishment in 1912, with the normal schools in Piatra Neamt and Turnu Severin.

On 15 August 1916, the of Education, I.G.Duca, sent a circular telegram to the prefects in order to be communicated to Schools. The telegram, among others, teachers were required – mobilized or substitute – to  gather the students to school and show them the importance of the moment they live, to explain that we are at war “for a good cause”. As soon as “the bugle sounded” among those present on duty were the scout students “normalist and mircist “, which were distributed to hospitals and military units. They were the first who has fallen for this Country and for  the Great Union.

After completion of Romania, education at all levels has grown significantly, both quantitative and qualitative. The Nomal School for boys works until 1930, and the Normal School for girls works between 1919 – 1938; Al The Second World War ceases the schools’ courses.

In 1993, at the anniversary of 100 years since the establishment of the Normal School by Constantin Bratescu, ithe  institution has received the honorary title of National Pedagogical College “Constantin Brătescu” the first national college in this part of the country.


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