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„Nigrinianis – Candidiana“Archaeological parkCod 2417

“Nigrinianis-Candidiana “is an archaeological park which includes several landmarks. The oldest is a prehistoric and Thracian village, where a unique discovery was made – a grave with a skeleton in Hocker, dated 6th century BC.
Also Roman, ancient Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval fortresses of Bulgarian origin have been found.
The fort is located at 3.7 km north of Malak Preslavets village and 0.5 km south-west of „Gradishteto” and “Marat” port areas. Candidiana ancient town and the city are 4.2 km north from the swamp in Malak Preslavets and 0.5 km east of the dam from “Sara Borun”.
The fortress today is on a land that slides and most of it sank into the Danube river’s bed. Elements of the south wall built of stones bonded with clay still exist. There are also traces of digs. In Roman times Malak Preslavets region is crossed by one of the most important roads along the Danube, linking Rome through Vienna to the Black Sea. Traces of it can still be seen in the promenade along the Danube.

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