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Pond Kartali, DurankulakCod 2048

The Eagles Pond or Kartaliisko is a lagoon on the coast of Bulgarian Black Sea coast, 2 km east of the Durankulak village and north of Lake Durankulashko, near the camp “Cosmos”. Its area is more than 550 ha. It is separated from the sea by sand up to 100 m wide and 1-2 m high. The locals call the lake “Kartalietsa”. The name comes from the Turkish word “Kart” meaning eagle – it’s about great cormorants or birds of prey gliding above the pond and near Cape Kartalburun.

The banks of the pond are densely covered with reeds and rushes. Its depth is small, but quite full of mud and leeches. Balta Eagle Pond is connected with the lake Durankulashko through an artificial channel, in the midst of “Hair” full of mud soaked with water, behind the beach Durankulak. In this section there are facilities – fishermen.

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