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Puppet State Theatre “Dora Gabe”, DobrichCod 2069

Founded as a professional theater on 1 January 1963. It has performed over 120 shows. From this scene started artists like Stephen (Teddy) Moskov. He has participated in festivals and international tours and bears many awards. The theatre has presented performances in Russia, Croatia, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Spain and Afghanistan.

In year 1952 February, drama theater actors, Mihail Mihailov and Nicolai Novakov prepared first puppet show in Dobrich – “Red Riding Hood”. Ruska’s main role is entrusted Tsekova – artistic director of amateur puppet theater in Dobrich.

On January 1, 1963, by decree of the Council of Ministers, puppet theater was nationalized and became a subsidiary of drama. By decree of April 1, 1981 puppet theater became an independent institute.

For 60 years of work were created 210 theater plays performed around 12 400 performances in front of about 1.209 million viewers. Besides they have played over 150 performances abroad, at festivals and tournaments – Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Spain and Turkey repeatedly. The theatre has won numerous awards in festivals.

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