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Military Museum Cemetery, DobrichCod 2035

On the former Dobrich famous churches dating from the Renaissance, it is the largest Bulgarian military cemetery from the First World War.
Here are resting 3,000 soldiers from six national armies, of seven nationalities (Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian, German, Turkish, Serbian and Hebrews) and four different religions. Today, the rocky tombs remind us about the memorable fights in Dobrich, the “Dobrichka epic in 1916” exhibition, flgs alley, etrnal flame and the ossuary chapel “St. Archangel Michael”.
The military cemetery is associated with battles for the city in 1916. In 1922 dobrogeans grateful, with thier own funds build the chapel-ossuary “St. Archangel Michael”, painte with icons by the Nicola Tahtunov painter in Dobrich. In 2003 were opened: a new temporary exhibition “Dobrichka epic in1916” and the memorable alley of flags with the flags of each country whose soldiers are buried in Dobrich. Te military cemetery is a place for historical and cultural tourism for visitors with special interests.

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