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Saint Elijah Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1462

The foundation stone of the Saint Elijah Church was set in 1991, the works starting in 1992. They were interrupted for a period of time, being continued in the year 1998, currently the construction already being at the roof, the tower on the narthex being built entirely. The holy place of worship is projected in a Neo – Byzantine style, will have a surface of 500 square meters and two towers of 18 and, namely, 26 meters height.

Until the finishing of the construction of the new church, the services is performed in a temporary construction, which is known by the people from Severin as the “Carton church”. Arounf the church it is intentioned the arrangement of a park by the City Hall, which will be named the Park of Youth.

“The carton church”, named in this way because the principal material of which the church was built is the carton, the wall being totally made of carton, supported by wide metallic “cleats” on the central part, in order not to form curves. Officially the church received the name of Saint Elijah, in 1990, the year in which it was assembled. The purpose of the church was to gather the church goers from the district Crihala to the services.

In the year 1990, the City Hall from Drobeta – Turnu Severin donated to the church a surface of 1500 square meters, the intention of the church representatives was to built a Cathedral. The construction started in the year 1992, then being dug the foundation, which remained at this level throughout 7 years because of the lacking of the funds. In 1998 they cast a small part of the church foundation (from concrete), the works being stopped again.

The state secretary for Cults intervened in the year 2003, offering help to the church in the amount of 20.000 RON for finalizing. The funds were used for the concrete basement; the ground floor was built and there was built up the walls. Then, there followed another help of 20.000 RON from the same source, and the church was elevated with 4, 5 meters.

In 2006, the church was finance again with 25.000 RON. Therefore, they built up the church at 8 meters height.

The most proximate church hospital, namely the district Crihala, is situated at a distance of approximately 8 km, namely the County Hospital. The closest education establishment is at 4 km.

At this congregation functions recently also a group of young men called A. T. O. S,. (The Assembly of the Orthodox Young Men from Severin), which has meetings in every Sunday evening and which organizes religious – educational activities for the young men.


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