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Saint John Baptist Church “Alexe”, CălărașiCod 1239

Saint John Baptist church comes to bring in the local scenery a mark of sobriety and a return to history. Unlike the other churches from the city, built by the contribution of the church-goers or with the support of some sponsors, in the case of this church the land and all the expenses with the construction and the equipment with all the necessary has been covered by its founder, Alexe Popescu and his wife, Maria (from here it comes the name under which it is known among the church – goers and which was sent from a generation to another – the Church Alexe).

The keystone of the church was set on the 23rd of April 1884, the construction being ready at the 14th of October 1886, when it was also consecrated by His Eminence the Metropolitan Calinic Miclescu of Hungarian – Wallachia.

From the church’s funds there will be executed reparations in the interior, as well as at the exterior, in the year 1932. In the year 1965 there have been executed general reparations, being redone the interior and the exterior plasters, including the new roof, as well as washing and the reconditioning of the painting. After the earthquake from the year 1977 there have been done interior and exterior works.

The church doesn’t have a bell tower, the two bells being situated in one of the domes. The holy place of worship is executed according to the plan and to the shape of the church Saint Paraschiva from Brăila, with the difference that at the large dome it has surrounding crosses. It has the configuration of a ship with the length of 32 m and the width of 14 m, the style being combined by the Byzantine and Gothic one, it is provided with a stone foundation, the walls are made of brick and it is covered with plates. It has three large domes: two in the front, on the narthex and one in the back, on the nave, on which there are assembled three large steel crosses. In one of the front domes there are installed two bells: one of 125 kg and the other of 500 kg. In total, on the roof, the church has 13 crosses.

The painting of the church was executed in a realistic style, by the painter Dem Demetrescu – Buzău, in the year 1886. In the year 1943, the painting has been washed and retouched by the painter Temistocle Grigorescu. In the year 2005, the painting has been redone by the painter Coman Dorinel from Roman, the county of Neamț. The congregation develops more social program, as it follows: the needy families from the congregation receive help consisting of food, clothes and drugs; it contributes monthly from its own funds and the scholarships of the seminar students and supports a seminar student. In the congregation, it is permanently developed the program Christ revealed to the children. The congregation has a functional Congregation library, but also objects with artistic and patrimonial value.


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