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Saint Michael and Gabriel Church, Negoiești, ȘoldanuCod 1267

The church with the titular saint of Saint Archangel from the village Negoești, commune Șoldanu, and county of Călărași is founded by Lady Elena, the wife of the Ruler Matei Basarab from the year 1649.

At the beginning, it was a monk monastery and it was composed of the halidom of the church, the houses of the father superiors which comprised 8 rooms covered with shingles and provided with cellars and on the inferior part they were paved with oak wood boards, and the church bell was also covered with shingles which was accompanied by a bell, about which is said that it was taken from the Turkish people at the first invasion over the monastery in the year 1680.

In the History of Wallachia of the chronicler Radu Popescu there will be mentioned the fact that this monastery is the newest halidom of Matei and of his Lady Elena, who, after one year following this construction dedicated to Mountain Athos.

The situation of the monastery from the village Negoiești is presented in the 1823 in cartography by the Metropolitan Church of Wallachia, which describes us that in the interior the church wasn’t painted, the walls being polished with lime. The windows are without metals and glasses, the brick floor from the interior is in some places damaged and the grand dome is broken, water getting easily inside. The father superiors houses are damaged, having the roof broken, without fireplaces, the rooms from the basement are damaged, in most of them entering the rain. The wall church tower was also damaged, and the surrounding walls were in most of the places destroyed.

In the year 1864, following the secularization, the monastery becomes a holy oil church, the monks going to other monasteries, especially at Căldărușani and Snagov.


At the earthquake from the 1977, the church is seriously damaged. Starting with the year 1982, there are started the works for repairing the church, consisting of redoing the roof, the exterior painting and redoing the painting with the notice from the Ministry of Culture.

The church has impressive dimensions. Actually, in this small locality, Negoiești, in the heart of the Bărăgan, the Ruler Matei Basarab has for 10 years, between 1640 – 1650, a summer residence where there was gathered the country’s divan, there were issued ruling charters and the ambassadors were received, the locality functioning as a true capital of Wallachia. Here, the ruler built a real cathedral, having the height of 31 meters, the length of 18 meters, and the width of over 7 meters. The thickness of the church’s wall is of 1, 2 meters, in some places surpassing 2, 5 meters.


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