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Saint Nicholas Church, SpanțovCod 1276

Saint Nicholas Church from Spanțov was built up by the village army in the year 1868 during the times of the Metropolitan Nifon, with the endeavors of the priest Radu Duhovnicul. The church with the shape of a ship was covered with plates in the year 1888, during the times of the priest Gheorghe Stănescu, and in the year 1952 the church’s painting was washed and renovated.

Between the years 1982 and 1984, there were made total reparations in the exterior and in the interior. The new painting in a wall painting technique was made during the times of the Patriarch Iustin Moisescu in the period 1985 – 1986 by the painter Ristea Nicolae, and in the year 1986 it was re-consecrated.

At the end of the XIXth century, the commune Spanțov was part of the hundred Oltenița, of the county Ilfov and it was formed by the villages Clinciu, Spanțov, Tatina and Valea lui Soare, with 1595 inhabitants. In the commune there was a school and two churches (at Spanțov and at Valea lui Soare). The Socec Annual of 1935 records the commune in the same hundred, having 2560 inhabitants in the villages Clinciu, Grădiștea Nouă, Spanțov, Stancea and Tatina (after the village Valea lui Soare was transferred to the neighboring commune Ulmeni).

In 1950, the commune was transferred to the rayon Oltenița from the region Bucharest, and in 1964 the village Tatina received the name Cetatea Veche. The commune came back in 1968 to the county Ilfov, when it was re-founded. On this occasion, the village Clinciu was dissolved and agglomerated with the village Stancea, and the village Grădiștea – with the village Cetatea Veche. In 1981, a regional administrative reorganization led to the transfer of the commune with the county Călărași.

Four objectives from the commune Spanțov were include on the list of historical monuments from the county Călărași as monuments of local interest. Two are archeological sites, both from the area of the village Cetatea Veche – the site from “Grădiște”, situated at the exit from the village to Ulmeni, site which comprises the traces of an establishment from the period Latène and a necropolis from the IVth millenium b. Chr.; and the establishment from the point “Tatina” dating back to the IIIrd century b. Chr., whose visible traces are constituted by a Gorgon surrounded by a narrow valley.

According to the census performed in the year 2011, the population of the commune Spanțov is up to 4.605 inhabitants, decreasing from the previous census from 2002, when there were registered 4.681 inhabitants. The majority of the inhabitants are Romanians (64, 04%), with a minority of Gypsies (31, 25%). For 4, 69% from the population, the ethnical affiliation isn’t known. From the confessional point of view, the majority of the inhabitants are orthodox (83, 32%), with a minority of Pentecostals (9, 92%). For 4, 97% of the population, the confessional affiliation isn’t known.


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