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The Municipality Museum, CălăraşiCod 1250

The Municipality Museum Călărași is situated in the old headquarters of the City Hall. The building was built for this administrative destination in the year 1886 – 1887 therefore, at the beginning of the month of January of the year 1888, the institution started its activity in a new immobile. The historians mention the fact that the City Hall was built on the place of the former inn which belonged to the Eforia of the Monastery’s Hospitals Colțea. The chosen emplacement was, at that time, and long after that, situated in the center of the establishment firstly named Lichirești, then Călărași, later Știrbei and then again Călărași. Only the economical and political anomalies made that in the last years the term “Center” not to be any longer covered by the essence of the past. The city hall functioned in this building with some discontinuities until the month March of the year 2013, when the people who form the administrative body moved into a new home.

Starting with the 19th of September 2014 it has been inaugurated as the headquarters for the Municipality Museum. The museum exposé follows, by the means of the objects, the path followed by a member of the community throughout the life. The family is the place where each one of us starts his road, is the place where we feel our best, it is the environment with whose help we know ourselves better, but it is also the interface through which we explore the unknown from the exterior. The following point on the expositional path is the barbers, the school, the store from the corner, the coffee shop, the bar, the mayor’s office. The novelty of this museum is the fact that the exhibits come from the donations of the people from Călărași.

From the expositional point of view the museum follows chronologically the history of the places from Călărași starting with the presentation of the archeological discoveries, passing through the mentioning of the first documentary references, presenting the moment of the statute change (1833 – county capital) and the moment of freedom (1852), but also the moment when all the Romanian people was under difficult moments (The Independence War, the First and Second World War), ending with the communist period and with the contemporary period. The expositional space dedicated to the mentioned above is situated at the building’s ground floor, in 8 rooms which are museum – technical arranged. Upstairs, the building develops expositional activities, as well as creative activities. The creative activities aim the following domains – drawing, painting, molding, pottery, glass, paper, photography, graving, braiding, the sequence not being restrictive. Upstairs also functions in a common space, composed of two rooms – The reading room and the Collectors Club. The reading room comprises, fundamentally, donated book by the people from Călărași, but also acquisitions of specialty books necessary for the workshops.

The museum is registered on the List of Historical Monuments.



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