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The Dark Arch Dam, DebeletsCod 2519

The Dark Arch Dam is located in Veliko Tarnovo 2.5 km south of the city of Debelets. This place can be reached through a paved road to Draynovo, rom which, it turns south along a road black. The Dam has a length of 400 m and a width of 200 m. Parking is available. The place is ideal for relaxation.

The Dam offers 5-6 places for carp fishing, but because these are strictly limited, and no reservation you may not have a place to stay and for fishing. Booking is recommended.

The main rule of the dam – all fish over 3 kg must be mandatorily returned into the water. Each fish caught must be given the necessary care, and it has to be returned as soon as possible into the water in perfect health.

All visitors are required to leave the places clean and in pleasant condition for the next guests.

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