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The Mamut House, Roșiorii de VedeCod 1543

In the heart of the Romanian Plain, in the center of historical Teleorman, between the gentle hills and reliefs remaining from the famous Crazy forest of Deliorman, which named this land, an urban patriachal settlement is present with picturesque surroundings and very old traditions, who give charm and a certain intimacy to these intensely spiritual places: Roșiorii de Vede.

Here we find old buildings, who still keep, here and there, an air of pure trdition or remind from time to time of historical times treasured by the community in the area as much as possible.

From the interesting past of the area the Mamut house in original state distinguishes itself, a very beautiful building, a piece of Roșiorii de Vede’s town history, untouched by the modern spirit. She stands tall since 1899 when it was built by the family of some wealthy clerks. The Mamut house is a historical monument and keeps the architecture with the facades loaded with belts and borders, but also the flowery structure, elements that demostrate the will to show the owners’ prosperity at the time. Even if times have not been too kind on the whole construction itself, inside the house there are still, stoves, drapes and century furniture.

About the named family there are no concrete details known. Only from the stories of those who have looked into the story of the building we find that, after the revolution, went to the Mamut family, who did not give it a public use. The Mamut house is a historical monument and has code TR IImB14440. It was built by the chief of the Rosiori train station, in 1899. It is still a living house which the youngest daughter of the last Mamut visits in the summer. She was a teacher at the IMMR high school and it now retired. The name comes from the name of the last two owners. After 1989, the house went to Tănase Mamut, who was a teacher. He had a son, Marin Mamut, also a teacher and former director of School no.1 in Roșiorii de Vede, which no longer exists.


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