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The Medieval Tower, HotăraniCod 1624

At Hotarani have been found traces of Thracian tribes north Danubian from the Iron Age more precise the first Iron Age Hallstat the second Iron Age Lâtene in which the Geto-Dacian agriculture reached a high stage of development.
Hotarani medieval tower is located near the ruins of the Monastery of Sainted Princes being a historical monument that impresses through massiness and plastic austerity.
It is assumed that was part of the court of Fălcoienilor, boyars related to ruler Neagoe Basarab and that it was built by monks to, as it is located near the monastery.
On the Greek inscription on the wall of the tower it can also be read: “This tower was lifted by the contribution and expense enlightened ruler Neagoe voievode of the Romanian Country in 7028 (1520).”
The tower is located on a plateau where majestically dominates the surrounding plain.
Lifted in order to serve as a observation and lookout point from the height of the last level of the bell tower could be supervised the entire Olt Valley.
The bell tower, a massive prism of square plan, consists of three floors with plank platform, the first platform being placed above the vault the ground floor.
The Monastery (or the hermitage) Hotarani situated in the immediate neighborhood of the tower, sanctuary dedicated to Sainted Princes, was built by the great governor Mitrea and his wife Neaga from the creation year in 7096 (1587-1588). It was repaired in 7216 (1707-1708) by Matei Fălcoianu who, also lifted the belfry, painting the church as well. In 1718, when Turkish and Tatar invasion, the monastery was burned down.
It was painted again in 1840, maintaining however some old painting. They monks’ cells served – late in 1860 – as classrooms, while the first teachers were the nuns themselves. In 1890-1900 the cells the outer wall, even the tower were sold by the forest service of Romula, to a particular person. The inhabitants revolting themselves, saved from the selling the exterior wall and tower, which ultimately burned in 1899.

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