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The “St. Petka Tarnovska” Church, BalchikCod 2008

“St. Petka” is the only orthodox parish in Balchik designed by a professional architect and not by a folk artist. Although the name of the architect was lost in time we learn from the Romanian sources that, in ’30s of the last century the Romanian architect Stefan Bals has designed the church in Balchik. And, since the “St. Petka” is the only church in Balchik whose construction was begun by Romanian authorities during the occupation, we can assume that this is the church the sources speak about.
The church has a dome in the form of a cross with a short transept. The dome rests on a tall drum and a spire rises over the narthex. The church is built of local stone, visible from the outside. The ceiling is semi-cylindrical.
The Church “St. Petka” was November 14, 1954 by Metropolitan of Varna Joseph and Preslav and dedicated to St. Petka of Tarnovo.
Its construction was started during the 1935 by the Romanian authorities, but it was finished much later, involving the resources and labor of the local community. In the the last few years a new refined iconostasis has been put, wooden carved, the inner facade was renewed and the yard was surrounded by a massive wall of stone. In 2003, the project “Working with Children”, financed by the “Pokrov” Fundation has transformed a space in a Sunday school, where, currently 30 children are studying the Christian traditions. The church’s was supplemented and now contains more than 600 books on various subjects.
Today, this is the youngest church, develops the most active spiritual life parish in the city.

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