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Tourist company “Prista” RuseCod 2355

Tourist company “Prista” is a non-profit that has developed utie community activities and is part of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. Its membership is absolutely voluntary. It develops and disseminate various forms of tourism, such as mountaineering, water, bike, caving, mountain climber and others, both within the country and beyond. Since its establishment in 1908, its SITEele were directed to create some social condiţiiatractive and general access to travel by members and sympathizers. The company has a courtyard with basic materil water sports, caving, aplinism and Aleta.

SC “Prista” is a partner and working exactness with various organizations in the county of Ruse – Municipalities, non-governmental nature protection, sports clubs and adventure tourism organizations liaison RIOSV Russian direction Natural Park “Rusenski Lom” media and other.

The main regions where the company is active in Bulgaria are valros Danube, Lom River Valley (Rusenski Lom river valleys and all of its tributaries), Prebalcani natural attractions and the central part of Stara Planina. The company manages several chalets in the area of Ruse, one of the chalets key international hiking route E3 section to Bulgarian Kom-Emine – Tazha cottage.

One of the main problems that SC “Prista” work is detachment of a man working on the river Danube, the river itself. Being Bulgaria’s border with Romania îndelunnat time, the Danube River was not and still is not a developed tourism, adventure sports and eco-friendly experience. People in towns and villages on the outskirts of the river do not know its characteristics as a whole, have no knowledge about the islands where many of them were not, despite the fact that they observed life. On the one hand, these islands have preserved biodiversity extraordinarily high, most frequently regarding birds and planes loving moisture, their land is polluted by pesticides, insecticides and artificial fertilizers, but banks tiles are dotted with thousands of waste most commonly, plastic bottles. Unfortunately, the banks islands are what man first seen when approaching by boat, and when traveling with a cruise ship on the Danube.

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