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Wine Complex Seven GenerationsCod 2392

Seven Generations Wine Complex is located in Northern Bulgaria, 30 km west is the city of Ruse and 100 km from Bucharest, Romania. Situated among small hills with a panoramic view towards the sunset soarlui amid the vineyards and the Danube River. It features authentic tasting room and restaurant, hotel and air-conditioned hall for events.

Long before, in 1878, exactly a young man, Iliya Rabchev, left his family in Bulgaria and went to France to study wine production. Four years later he was back in his native village, Byala Cherkva to his family, to found the Wine Cellar “Rachev”. All worked dedicated and soon cellar “Rabchev” has become the largest producer in the region, exporting wines and spirits in Germany. Lyuben Rabchev, the fifth generation, has also left Bulgaria and went to America to study wine production and business in this area. 40 years later he returned to Bulgaria and founded the wine cellar “Seven Generations”. It has chosen. Mechka near the Danube river, where wine production is an art from the Romanesque period. There wines produced from varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc and blends Cuvée Rosé and according to conventional technologies, aged in oak barrels. Immediately next to the winery was built a complex in the family can enjoy the natural beauties of Bulgaria.

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