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St. Dimitar Church, SvishtovCod 2572

The church is one of the oldest in the city. According to the Archpriest Stefan Ganchev, it was supposedly built in “Chuka”, the largest shore of the Danube before the Turkish rule, because this neighbourhood grew as a settlement. Renovated and expanded in 1893. In the past, the church was almost completely destroyed. In 2004, the church “St. Dimitar” in Svishtov was restored thanks to the donation of the honorary citizen of Svishtov Dobra Nedyalkov.

Many religious people and tourists visit the oldest church in Svishtov – “St. Demetrius of Solun”. The church is located in “Kaleto” near the citadel and is currently operational. It was built in the late 15th and early 16th century. Church services are still carried out in the old part of the church. The new part, which is a continuation of the old one was built in 1893. Afterwards the porch and belfry were built. Matei of Bessarabia is also mentioned as a donation maker in the history of the church. For this reason, this church has been very important since the Middle Ages. The icons were painted by Zachary Tsankov from Triavna in 1879. In the cemetery there is an old school, which was damaged by the earthquake. This was one of the historical landmarks of Svishtov.

In 2004, the benefactor Dobra Nedyalkov restored the church, which until then was barely functional. The facades were refreshed; the walls were painted with new icons by Ludmil Krumov. Later, Dobra Nedyalkov’s noble work was assessed by the Municipality of Svishtov and he was awarded the title of “honorary citizen of Svishtov.” The church is now functional. It is named after the patron of Asen royal family – St. Demetrius of Solun. “The churches in Svishtov are directly connected and are an expression of the history and cultural exaltation of Svishtov. There is also a connection between the revolutionary fights for liberation. They are a very important component of the cultural history of the city,” said Prof. Radko Radkov. He said the current churches in Svishtov, seven in total, were built for the Liberation. After the Liberation no new churches were built only several chapels.

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