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Mihai Eminescu High School, ConstanțaCod 1137

MIHAI EMINESCU Theoretical High School is one of the oldest schools in Dobrogea, and a prestige consolidated over more than eight decades. Founded in 1919 as Secondary School for Girls « Domnița Ileana »/ “Princess Ileana”, it  shortly acquired the reputation of a valuable educational and instructive settlement, a competitor of the High School for boys “Mircea cel Bătrân”.

In 1931, the Secondary School for Girls « Domnița Ileana » got from the Ministry of Education a proper building, this present the current located in 19 Traian Street being built between 1906-1908.

During  85 years of existence, the profile, number of classes and duration of the studies experienced successive transformations: from  38 students enrolled at the lower course of four years in 1919 to many other specializations high school offers today to approximately  1000 young people studying here,  the road has been long and has become history. Generations of teachers participated to write the history who asserted themselves through teaching competence, scientific training and professional conduct, nationally and internationally.

Between, the 80 promotions of students who graduated from high school a series of number of personalities of public life, cultural, scientific and sports of the country have imposed themselves.

The building  where the High school operates bears  itself the imprint of history, classified as a historic monumentUnder its walls, as in the inner courtyard were discovered the remains of one of the six basilicas of ancient pagan Tomis.

From this construction erected in IV – VI centuries BC the crypt is still there, divided into three rooms with vaulted ceilings and the walls and ceilings painted in polychrome frescos. A double spiritual foundation, therefore ennobles the local history.

In 2005 the institution became a college.

he college currently has:

– A Building with 17 classrooms

– 13 laboratories and cabinets

– A library with 33.400 volumes;

– An amphitheater to promote cultural values

– Local network with 82 PCs connected to the Internet

– Wi-fi network for mobile internet facilities

– Computerized services: Director, secretarial, accounting

– O A sports hall with an area of 120 sq.m.

– An aerobics room with an area of 90 sqm..


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