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The Old Mill, BalchikCod 2082

Balchik large mill was built by an anonymous industrial company in the year 1909. The project and its implementation are attributed to the German company, which has participated in the implementation of the largest silos and mills era – those in Frankfurt, Budapest, Genoa, Munich, Venice and more. For a year, the company built in Balchik the mill equipped with the most modern in the Balkans. Here are the first concrete-steel silos in Bulgaria.

Project construction and technological equipment have been implemented in Germany. In this spacious building with 4 floors, reigns sovereign car almost completely ignored and excluded human labor. The total number of employees is about 15 people per shift and mill capacity – 75 tonnes per day.

In 1910 the mill was open and worked successfully for six years when he came under bombardment Russian navy and suffer enormous damage, so production can not be restored. Later the building continued to be used, but for other purposes.

Especially valuable for industrial and construction history is that it serves silos and stairs are kept in a completely authentic, unaltered since its construction in the year 1909 to date. This value will increase over time because there will be able to observe and study the implementation of technologies for reinforced concrete dawn of its use in this part of Europe, and its behavior over time.

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