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The „Rusciuc“ ShipCod 2375

Residents and tourists of the Russian Oraşu can use the newly opened vessel services “Rusciuc” cruises on the Danube. In recent years, Boat Quay Silistra served tourists under the name “Drastar”
Before the Danube fleet of dredging to buy in June 2015 to modernize and put into trade vessels. Tim siliar a ship for cruises has not been used in Russian in the last decade, and passengers’ Rusciuc “will be impressed by perfect service and friendly behavior of the staff.

The vessel has renovated a number of attractions and places of internal rest and relaxation during the trip. At its board is open a restaurant and bar on the lower deck and bar on the top dechis, where tourists can enjoy an overview in good company. The peterecerea enjoyable time team cares passenger vessel.

The vessel “Rusciuc” has the tax parameters – its dimensions are: length, 23 meters wide, 6 meters, floating on a adândime of 1.30 meters, it has an output of 300 C.P. and a top speed of 16 km / hour.

The vessel was built seven years ago by a Romanian ship builder from the town of Cernavoda. Its renovation occurred after the current Chairman of the Board of Directors of DDF, Valeri Ivanov, bought him from his colleague and decided to modernize it and to put it into circulation.

During the cruise, the ship provides a professional guide to familiarize passengers with various attractions and details around Ruse and social surroundings. “Rusciuc” is equipped with modern audiovisual equipments, which will be presented accurately interesting facts regarding the history of the region.
At this time, the vessel is anchored around a barge where is located the restaurant “Ponton”.

Sailing boat aquatorium Rusciuc in the Russian zone is carried out every weekday from 18:00 and on Saturdays and Sundays, excursions are conducted from 10:30 and 18:00.

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