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The Saint Voivodes Church, CălugăreniCod 1003

The church was built in the year 1938, on the expense of Ilie Stoian and of his wife, Aneta. The church was built up for the eternal memorial of the heroes who fell in the fight against the pagans, for defending the country and of the ancestral belief.

At the end of the XIXth century, the commune Călugăreni had the name of Uzunu, it was part of the hundred of Câlniștea of the county of Vlașca, and it was formed by the villages Călugăreni-Vartiade, Uzunu, Buturugari, Călugăreni-Moșteni and Călugărenii Mănăstirii (the Stone Cross), having three churches, two schools and three water mills (one on Neajlov and two on Câlniștea). At that time, on the current territory of the commune, there also functioned in the same hundred the communes Brăniștari and Strâmba Mare. The commune Brăniștari, was formed by the villages Brăniștarii de Jos, Brăniștarii de Sus, Brăniștari – Moșteni and Năneasca, having in total 865 inhabitants, two churches, a mill and a school with 37 students (among them, 11 were girls). The commune Strâmba Mare was composed by the villages Strâmba de Jos, Strâmba de Sus and Crângurile, having in total 1515 inhabitants; here there were three churches, a school and three mills on Neajlov.

The Socec Annual from 1925 records the re-naming of the commune Uzunu into Călugăreni, it being part of the Călugăreni hundred from the same county; the commune had 2265 inhabitants in the villages Călugăreni, the Stone Cross and Uzunu. In the Călugăreni hundred there were also the communes Brăniștari (with 3828 inhabitants in the villages Brăniștari and Moșteni – Dobrotești) and Strâmba (with 4000 inhabitants in the villages Crânguri, Strâmba de Jos and Strâmba de Sus). In 1931, the villages Strâmba de Jos and Strâmba de Sus were united forming the village Strâmba.

In 1950, the villages were transferred to the district Vidra and, then, (after 1952) to the district Giurgiu from the region Bucharest. The commune and the village Strâmba received in 1964 the name of Hulubeștii. In 1968, the communes passed onto the county of Ilfov, the communes Brăniștari and Hulubești being dissolved, their villages passing onto the commune Călugăreni; at the same time, the village Moșteni – Dobrotești was dissolved and agglomerated with the village Brăniștari. [15] In 1981, a regional administrative reorganizing led to transferring the commune to the county of Giurgiu.

Near the church there took place one of the most important battles in the history of Romania – The Battle from Călugăreni, which took place on the date of the 23rd of August (the 13th of August, according to the old calendar) 1595. The Wallachia army led by Michael the Brave, strengthened by some Transylvanians sent by Sigismund Bathory, tried to stop the invading Ottoman army led by Sinan Pașa, whose objective was to transform Wallachia into a pashalik. Michael’s operation wasn’t a successful one, being followed by the occupation of Bucharest by the Turks and by the tactical retreat of Michael in the mountains. Further on, strengthened by a bigger army, Michael was going to remove the Ottomans, defeating them decisively in the battle from Giurgiu, at the middle of October 1595.

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