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Comana Natural Park, ComanaCod 1006

Dating –2004

Location – Comana, Giurgiu County

History and Description

Comana Natural Park was found in 2004 and it is located in the south of Romania, at a distance equal to the distance between Bucharest and Giurgiu.

The park founding decision was adopted based on the technical and scientific documentation developed since 1954 by the Romanian Academy in order to define and protect two areas of particular importance to flora, respectively the Scientific Reserve of Thorn (Ruscus aculeatus) and Scientific Reserve of Peony (Paeonia peregrina). These two reservations were added from 2004 the Balta Comana, as a natural reservation and bird protection area.

Comana Natural Park is located at the boundary between forest and steppe plains, which gives the park  special phytocenologic features and a great variability of flora.

Comana Natural Park is the third important wetland in southern Romania, after the Danube Delta and Balta Mică a Brailei. The age of the formation of relief and peculiarities of the river system have shaped the pre-existing plain, leading to the current relief appearance with relative wide and deep valleys,  situated at an altitude of 42-45 meters, and a flat plain, with an altitude of 90-95 meters. Comana Natural Park forests are a third of the park surface and are the remnants of Codrilor Vlasiei, maintained within a body relatively compact. The 8023.5 hectares of forest have provided the optimal conditions for maintenance and development of a large number of rare species of plant, some animal organisms or characteristic habitats.


 24963 ha, of which:

– 8024 ha, forest fund, of which:

– 1204 private fund,

– 6820 state forest fund

– 1206 ha Balta Comana

– about 300 ha swampy wetlands, salty, periodically flooded or water surface

– 15433 ha villages, roads, farmlands, pastures, meadows, etc.


In terms of fauna, as resulting from existing studies, the Comana Natural Park is populated with a large number of families from different species, such as: 157 bird species, 9 reptiles, 30 fish and 10 amphibians.


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