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Comana Lake, ComanaCod 1008

Comana Lake is located on the outskirts of the commune of the same name. Although it has a depth of 4.5 m, the lake covers an area not too large, about 600 hectares invaded by vegetation. The lake is a natural one. Fishing is allowed only to those who accommodate at Casa Comana, through the “catch and release” system,  being able to hold a fish for consumption. The lake is populated with  Romanian carp and pike.

Comana Lake is one of the most important touristic sites  in Wallachia, a site which you should not miss it if you are near.

To visit the Lake Comana you can access one of the accommodation offers  in Comana in the hostels and nearby villas.

Within the Lake Comana area,  most of the identified species are hygrophilous herbaceous plants, terrestrial or natant, frequently submerged, (Myriophyllum verticillatum) with circumpolar or cosmopolitan center spread, Eurasian rarely (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Sparganium erectum) or European. Floodplain forests in this area are of particular importance, as moderator of arid microclimate, in the plains.

In Comana area, the annual average temperature is 11 degrees C, with the strongest frost reaching -31.2 ° C on 24 January 1942 and the highest heat of 40.3 degrees C, on July 29, 1928. Rainfall ranges around 560 mm / year, with higher amounts of water in early summer through June. In this landscape, there is temporary waters, that flow active only after the torrential rains,  waters which flow through short valleys, with steep slopes, and, permanent watercourses, but widely fluctuating flow  both seasonal (mostly waters flow in spring and early summer) and according to momentary amount of rainfall.

Comana Lake wetlands and other several landscapes lacustrine / swampy of smaller size (situated in Călugăreni and Mihai Bravu), were  affected by human intervention, draining water oriented,  activities carried out with intensity in the recent decades. These interventions had dramatic effects in terms of reducing habitats necessary for species that depend on such living environments.

The lake Comana is a part of  Comana Natural Park located in the Romanian Plain, 30 km south of Bucharest, in the direction of Giurgiu. A landscape of steppes, with forests of oaks, water meadows developed around meandering water courses, river meadow forests, lacustrine / ponds landscapes, swamps and other wetlands, salty areas with steppe vegetation, meadows, grass land, pastures and so on. Comana Natural Park was declared a protected area by Government Decision no. 2151 of 30 November 2004, published in Official Gazette no. 38 of 12 January 2005. It covers an area of 24 963 ha and it is a special area of conservation with protection regime for several species of spontaneous flora (Paeonia peregrina Mill-sp., Ruscus aculeatus) and wild fauna (birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and amphibians) in Burnazului Plain.

Comana Natural Park has a natural area falling within the continental bioregion southern part of Romanian Plain and the north-eastern Plain of Burnazului, sheltering, protecting and conserving a wide diverse flora and fauna, expressed both at the level of species and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

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