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Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church, CogealacCod 1075

Cogealac is the residence village of the comune with the same name in the county of Constanta, Dobrogea, Romania. It is situated in the north-east of the Plateau Casimcei. Located at a distance of 45 km from Constanta.

It is known from 1890 – 1905 under the name of Hogeainlik (Turkish Great Post Office), being a rest for chaises who were changing horses crossing Dobrogea.

Between 1873-1883 the locality was populated with German colonists, known as  Dobrogea Germans.

The Cogealac village, made up of citizens coming from the country with many   animals, especially sheep, finding significant areas of natural grasslands have settled in the region founding households. Once with the breeding, trade in agricultural products has developed that take place in the famous fair in the village Hogeainlic,  thus becoming an important market where all citizens in the surrounding areas were coming, and thus changing its name and in Cogealac.

The first settlers were 44 families of ethnic German born in Basarabia. Most of them have left the locality in 1940, being displaced in Germany under the slogan “Heim ins Reich” (Back to the Reich). At the 2002 census it had a population of 3316 inhabitants. In terms of religion, most of the locals were Orthodox  (86,54%). For 11.83% of the population is not known their confessional affiliation.

The cornerstone of the Church Assumption of the Virgin Mary from COGEALAC was laid in 1928, and 6 years later the office for worship was consecrated. At that time, Cogealac numbered only 120 families of Orthodox Christians, most of the population was made up of German Protestants, who were repatriated to Germany in 1940.

The sanctuary renovated several times, and in 1985 were carried out the preparatory works for fresco painting inside.

In 2006, the Ministry of Culture and Offices for Worship has granted  100 thousands lei to restore the office for worship from Cogealac. The funds were allocated according to the Government Ordinance on establishing certain forms of financial support for places of worship.

The Church from Cogealac owns a surface of 6.000square meters, according to the 1951 documentation.

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