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Military Museum, ConstanțaCod 1151

Works on the National Military Museum “King Ferdinand I” – Constanţa branch – began in 1980, but the cultural institution was put into operation on 2 May 1985 by General Ilie Ceauşescu, after he visited the Channel Danube-Black Sea. The effective inauguration of the museum from Constanţa took place on 23 August 1987 because Nicolae Ceauşescu, General’s brother, was opposed to the idea of ​​establishing the subsidiary from Constanţa. One has worked on the museum with materials and workforce of the Ministry of National Defense.

On 25 October, the Romanian Army Day, will be inaugurated the extended sector of the military park of 9 Mechanized Brigade “Mărăşeşti” and of Constanţa Branch of the National Military Museum “King Ferdinand I”.

Through this initiative is intended to bring gratitude to heroism and bravery acts of Romanian soldiers from Dobrudja and the possibility of presenting the contemporary Romanian military technique, but also a new offer for the cultural tourism.


Cannons of different calibers and uses (of field, anti-aircraft, anti-tank), communications trucks, antimissile or with other military devices, an armored car track used by infantry, two research tabs following that in a near future, to be exposed two planes, MiG 23 and 29 and a Romanian cannon.

The military technique exhibited has a Romanian design or under foreign license from the twentieth century. The military technique sector is arranged near the military museum, both locations being situated in the courtyard of the military unit,  from the neighborhood Kilometer 4-5 to which the visiting audience can have access as scheduled by the museum, hours 10-17, on Sunday and Monday it is closed.

This is a first step on designing the military theme park, other two stages of planning the extended sector of the military park will follow during the next two years.

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