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Drama Theatre “Yordan Yovkov”, DobrichCod 2068

Dobrich Theatre was founded in 1928. On the stage of social and political life was born studio “Saglasie” led by the founder or Atanas Popov. Today, the theater named after Yovkov Dobrich – the man who immortalized hope, singer of Dobrogea.

Theatre Playwright “Yordan Yovkov” has been created since 1928 and already with 88 years working tirelessly for an art that is typically not play-play in public, but to include the viewer in magic, life, heart – everything that we call “theater”.

Already 88 years, have inspired generations of talent host of actors, directors, playwrights, theater workers that recreates life and history. 88 years already, addressed stage eternal messages – to be good people, doing good, to do good, to believe in themselves and in a better future!
TD “Yordan Yovkov” is a treasure of virtues of Dobrogea. ”

The shows are played with room full and the public of Dobrich is recognized by all troops who visits the theater as one of the most intelligent and apreciand art of theater.

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