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The Monastery “St. Ecaterina”, BalgarevoCod 2065

The Monastery of St. Catherine of Balgarevo Balgarevo is situated in the village, 6 km from Kavarna. In early May 2008 the monastery church was consecrated. Today in it lives only a monk, and the complex consists of the church, courtyard, dining room and several residential buildings with one floor. In the monastery are stored St. Catherine relics from Russia. The monastery does not offer accommodation and food feeding.
Construction of the monastery began in the early XXI century after the abbot’s parents – Archimandrite Methodius free donated a building for the purpose and their home. Later – in the following years and nowadays due diligence unreservedly monk both spiritual as well as material in arranging the monastery – personal work and good Christians helping attract funds, and the holy monastery is in constant renewal and expansion. Therefore, the monastery acquired its current form, with a friendly living and a well ordered courtyard, decorated with many flowers. Atmosphere in the monastery is completed with the hospitality of the Archimandrite Methodius spiritual location.
The monastery “St. Martyr Catherine” was solemnly consecrated in 24.11. 2011 by the Metropolitan of Varna and Preslav Velili, in concelebration with several priests from the diocese Orthodox Church in Russia, prot. Dmitry Quiroga.
Currently the monastery is visited by more and more pilgrims, attracted both by the beauty of the place and sanctuaries which are kept in the temple: particles of the Cross of the Lord; Relics from: St. Catherine Martyr, Martyr Haralambos, St. Martyr Panteleimon, St. Martyr Barbara, St. Theodore Tyron and Theodore Mucenitii, St. Rev. Ivan Rilski Wonderworker, particles of Mamre and others.
From the architectural point of view Balgarevo monastery complex is a small church with a steeple and nave, several residential buildings of one floor, dining room and courtyard surrounded on the street with a beautiful stone wall.

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