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Dry RiverCod 2088

Frangensko dry river, springs from the plateau and flows into Lake Oltina in Northern Dobrogea, Romania. The total length of Bulgarian territory is 120 km.
More than a century ago because of systematic deforestation, river dry in its bottom and middle. Water exists only in melting snow and torrential rains. During the summer months, the river bed almost completely undressed. The seats lost in karst terrain, other places canyon is with a height of 40-50 m and a width varying between 100 and 200 m. Almost the entire length dry valley is a natural phenomenon. Where waters have cut deep into the field it formed canyons, caves and rocks carved. These picturesque gorges are attractive places for tourists seeking proximity to nature and appreciate both the tranquility and beauty of the scenery and adventures and opportunities to give freedom of the spirit or discoverers.
In ancient times, dry river was the largest source of fresh water within Dobrogea. Even today the valley braces itself to a wide variety of species of animals and plants, many of which are rare or endangered. Dry Valley is home to more than 460 plant species, of which 16 are included in the Red Book of Bulgaria, as well as a large number of animal species endangered. The are significant endangered species, such as the wolf European ground squirrel European spotted polecat, steppe polecat, Testudo graeca and Testudo hermanni and padded snake. There is a great diversity of birds – 118 species. Among the species to extinction can be seen Buteo rufinus, Tadorna ferruginea eagle flashy little owl, Egyptian vulture, white stork, red-footed falcon, forest skylark’s and skylark’s beak thick, hawk krastoprast, Caprimulgus europaeus, Ixobrychus minutus, separable and more. Dry river canyon is in the path of one of the most important migratory corridors for birds – Via Pontica, and so is included in the list of important bird areas in the world.
Besides the dry river canyon natural landmark there is an area rich in archaeological sites (villages, fortresses, cave monasteries, hermitages).
Dry Valley occupies much of the city Dobrichka.
On the keys picturesque valley of dry you can enjoy for example the following locations:
Walking with low physical activity:
– Touring around Kamen village;
– Walking in nature along the dry valley near the village Odrintsi – Novo Batovo.
Walking with higher physical activity:
– Route in the dry valley near Kragulevo village (partially coincides with visiting monasteries cave in historical tourism trails).
– Route day from Karapelit village to the the dry river canyon along the direction Jitnita village with possibility of visiting caves karst area Markova Kral stapka.

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