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The Etnography House, DobrichCod 2067

“The House of ethnography” is part of Dobrich Regional History Museum in Dobrich. It is located downtown, close to the church “St. Martyr George”. It was built between 1860-1861 by an unknown balcan craftsman in a typical Renaissance architectural style. Today the house has been restored and converted into a museum. It presents the life and livelihood of the population Dobrogea at the end of sec. XIX and early XX.

In the basement are: haet (input) that shows the traditional clothing of the local population; house (kitchen); stove (bedroom) and cellar, where there are exposed original containers for making and storing supplies in winter and agricultural tools, household objects related to crafts. On the top floor, in the guest room is recreated the atmosphere in the home of a wealthy merchant, came from Kotel. In other rooms are restored interiors of the house and a sewing workshop in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. Besides there is a veranda, which occupied an important place in family life.

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