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Fortress Zaldapa, Abrit-DobrinCod 2055

Zaldapa is the largest ancient fortified center lands from today Dobrogea, located in Kale, between the villages Abrit and Dobrin, Dobrichka region. In publications, and among the local population is known with different names – Abtaatsko kale, Hisar kale and Dobrin kale, and her name means cold water or yellow.

For a long time, the settlement near Abrita village has been synonymous with Abritus ancient city. Later, after he was located near Razgrad, archaeologists have linked the settlement with the enigmatic city Zaldapa, long sought then across in the Northeast Bulgaria and Dobrogea. This location, made just now about 7 decades, has already set in modern historical literature, although we have no confirmation yet epigraphically.

Zaldapa occupy a vast peninsula with a length of 1,200 m and a width of 500 m, surrounded by east, north and northwest of a deep valley, and from the west and southwest – a short side rut. The northern part of the peninsula is a relatively flat plateau terrace and south which is significantly wider and shaped hill. It is reinforced by a wall and on it lies the ancient city. Field observations suggest that he was densely built. In the north part of the peninsula and in the valley, close to the eastern and western area, probably, have been its neighborhoods. Since fortification system of the Zaldapa showed very homogeneous aspect, should assume that its construction was performed in a single building campaign probably relatively short.

The fortress wall consists of several sections strictly rectilinear. It has a total of 32 towers of different shapes and sizes city, three main gates and two smaller gates. The appearance of the fortification system definitely confesses to late Roman origin. Zaldapa impressive scales (35 ha) and nature found monumental buildings leaves no doubt that it must be ranked among the largest and most important urban centers of late antiquity in this part of the Balkan Peninsula.

In written sources Zaldapa is associated with events in VI century. John of Antioch says this is the birthplace of Vitalian – famous rebellion leader against Emperor Anastasius who was transformed into a civil war for 5 years. The city’s name appears in the list of renovated fortifications totally confused during the reign of Emperor Justinian. Moreover – Zaldapa was also mentioned as a center of the diocese whose bishop was subjected to the bishop in Tomis.

Later, she had a role in the hostilities between Byzantium and the Avars.
Built in the second half of the century IV, the city operates about 250 years – until its death in late century VI, during which time it has undergone several repairs and renovations. Great invasion of Avars of the year 585 put Zaldapa’s beginning of the end. Life here continues for another decade, but in recent years centruy VI the city is emptied completely.

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