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The Strehaia Monastery, StrehaiaCod 1492

The Strehaia Monastery was built in the prince courtyard of Matei Basarab, built up by the middle of the XVIIth century, and it has its origins in the courtyard of the Craiovești aristocrats. The Craiovești were one of the most significant families of nobles from Wallachia, of whom there were originated the princes and a […]

The Monument of the Heroes, StrehaiaCod 1491

On the 15th of August 1922 it is inaugurated in Strehaia the Monument of the Romanian Heroes dedicated to the commemoration of the heroes involved in the events of the First World War. The First World War meant for Romania, the execution of the national ideal, the unification of the people. This challenge was executed […]

The Bust of Michael the Brave, StrehaiaCod 1490

Michael the Brave (born in 1558, Târgul de Floci – deceased on the 9th of August 1601, Turda) was the prince of Wallachia between 1593 and 1601. For a period (in 1600), he was the commander de factor of the three great medieval countries which form today’s Romania: Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia. Before arriving on […]

The Statue of Decebal, OrşovaCod 1489

The face of the Dacian king Decebal is a bas-relief with a height of 55 m, situated on the cliffy border of the Danube. The bas-relief represents Decebal, the last king of Dacia, and it is sculpted in a cliff. It is the highest stone sculpture from Europe. The face of Decebal has a height […]

The Danubia Statue, OrşovaCod 1488

The woman who prepares to throw herself in the waters of the Danube, Danubia, is a symbol, executed at Târnăveni and inaugurated in 1996. The monument, creation of Patriciu (Patrick) Mateescu, Romanian settled in America, honors the memory of the ones who, by the desire of living free, dared to throw themselves in the waters […]

Saint Anna Monastery, OrșovaCod 1487

This monastery has a special history, being founded by the well-known inter-war journalist Pamfil Șeicaru, who fought in the area of Orșova, in the capacity of young sub-lieutenant of the Regiment 17 Infantry in the First World War. The thing which determined him to build up a monastery is an experience which happened in the […]

The Assumption of Mary Mother of Jesus Church, OrșovaCod 1486

Within the suburban churches from Orșova, it was also found in the past the church from the commune Jupalnic. As it stands out from the old maps of Orșova, the commune Jupalnic was situated at 1, 5 km towards North from the old Orșova. The church from here was built up through the efforts of […]

The Bridge of God, PonoareleCod 1485

The bridge of God is the only functional causeway national passage at a national level, being a vestige of the Bridge cave which resulted through the caving it of its ceiling. It is the biggest natural bridge of the country and the second as magnitude from Europe (30 m length, 13 m width, 22 m […]

The Topolnița Monastery, TopolnițaCod 1484

The Topolnița monastery is an old orthodox monastery from the Episcopacy of Severin and of Strehaia. The old church of the monastery is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, titular saint celebrated on the date of the 29th of August, when the Church is honoring the Cutting of the Head of Saint John the Baptist. […]

The Monument of the Communism Victims, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1483

The monument is built up in the memory of the victims of the communism, of the deported and of the displaced in the plain of Bărăgan, to the heroes who died in the period 1944 – 1989. The monument was built up by the Association of the Former Political Prisoners from Romania, the head office […]
