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The Cave Ponoarele, PonoareleCod 1502

The cave Ponoarele, also known under the name of the Cave from the Bridge of God, the Cave from the Bridge, the Bridge Cave or the Cave from the Stone Bridge, it is accessible to the tourists being able to be visited throughout the entire year, it is found in an advanced state of destruction […]

The “Saint Nicholas” Wooden Church, PonoareleCod 1501

The official name is the Saint Forty Martyr Pantelimon and the Saint Hierarch Nicholas Church. But, after its emplacement, it is known under the name of the Small church under Stei, because of the fact that it is situated right under Steiul Ponorii. Steiul Ponorii is an abrupt and callow coast which surrounds the village […]

The Statue of Constantin Brâncoveanu, Baia de AramăCod 1500

The statue dedicated to the prince Constantin Brâncoveanu was dedicated on the date of the 26th of May 2011, on the occasion of the High school Days from Baia de Aramă. Constantin Brâncoveanu (born at 1654 – deceased on the 15th/26th of August 1714) was the prince of Wallachia between the years 1688 and 1714, […]

The Monastery Baia de Aramă, Baia de AramăCod 1499

Built at the passing between the centuries XVIIth and XVIIIth, the church of the Monastery Baia de Aramă reflects the stylistic features of the period of cultural – artistic blooming from the period of the reign of Matei Basarab (1632 – 1654), being recorded in an artistic current in which the architecture of Wallachia evolves […]

The Saints Apostles Wooden Church, BrebinaCod 1498

The wooden church from Brebina was built around the year 1757, redone in 1835. According to the Inventory of the localities and of the feudal monuments from the county Mehedinți for the year 1840, the church from Brebina was built up at the year 1756 on the property of Hagii by “Miss Anghelina and the […]

The Ruins of the Vodița Monastery, VodițaCod 1497

The Vodița Monastery which represents the oldest voivode foundation documentary certified and, at the same time, the first monastic establishment from Romania autonomous administered according to the rules of the oriental church established by Saint Vasile the Great. It was built up between the years 1370 – 1372 by Saint Nicodim on the expense of […]

The Vodița Monastery, VodițaCod 1496

In the month March 1990 there was constituted, in the municipality Drobete Turnu Severin, the Society “Vodița”, having the blessing of the worthy to mention Nestor Vornicescu, the Metropolitan from that period of time of Oltenia. At the proposal of this foundation, the Holy Assembly of the Romanian Orthodox Church approved, in the meeting from […]

The Cemetery Vîrciorova, VîrcirovaCod 1495

The cemetery Vîrciorova is dedicated to Victoria Paleologu (deceased in 1807) and to his grandson Bebica (deceased at 1897), descendants of the imperial Byzantine dynasty Paleologus refugees from the village Vodița. in the XVth century. Also, the monument is dedicated to the heroes from the fights from the hill Alion from the 2nd of September […]

The Brâncovineni Martyrs Church, StrehaiaCod 1494

The Brâncovineni Martyrs Church was consecrated on the 24th of June 2012 in the presence of the Metropolitan of Oltenia, His Eminence Irineu, His Grace the Priest Nicodim, the Bishop of Severin and of Strehaia and the Bishop of Deva and of Hunedoara, His Grace the Priest Gurie. The foundation stone of the place of […]

The Saint Parascheva Church, StrehaiaCod 1493

Saint Parascheva church was built in the period 1935 – 1958 through the contributions brought by the inhabitants from Strehaia and the ones from the neighboring communes. The place of worship was consecrated on the 2nd of November 1958 by Emilian, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, President of the Great National Gathering being […]
