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The Memorial House Matache, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1461

The memorial House Matache was built at the beginning of the XXth century, having as owner Matache Oana Zoia. Later on the house was nationalized having more uses among which also a Polyclinic. In the year 2000 the building was retrocede to the family Matache. In the year 2010, the building was renovated, being dedicated […]

The Monument of the Sailors, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1460

On the 13th of June 2013 it is inaugurated the monument In memoriam to the Honor and Country Division, dedicated to the sailor martyr heroes who fought during the Second World War (the 23rd of August 1944 – the 12th of May 1945). For the memorial of the martyr heroes every year, on the 15th […]

The Monument of Carol I, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1459

Information about the Severin Port can be found even from the XVIIIth century. After the occupation of Oltenia (1718 – 1741), when they already had the intention of building on the same place of the Severin from today the city “Carolina”, the Austrians were already present in the area even from 1829 (the Treaty from […]

The Severin Port, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1458

Information about the Severin Port can be found even from the XVIIIth century. After the occupation of Oltenia (1718 – 1741), when they already had the intention of building on the same place of the Severin from today the city “Carolina”, the Austrians were already present in the area even from 1829 (the Treaty from […]

The Severin Synagogue, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1457

The Jews were settled in Cerneți even before the foundation of the city Severin, however there were only 12 families and they didn’t have any religious or school organization. After the foundation of the city Severin there came, however, especially from the Balkan cities, many Spanish Jews, and from the rest of the country or […]

The Roman-Catholic Congregation, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1456

The initiative of building the Roman – Catholic Congregation was launched in 1860, for satisfying the spiritual needs of the community of this religion from the city, significant as number and material state. Therefore, in 1858, the catholic community from Severin numbers 600 souls, fact which determines the appointment of a stable priest. Also, in […]

The Marius Vorvoreanu Monument, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1455

The initiative of building the Roman – Catholic Congregation was launched in 1860, for satisfying the spiritual needs of the community of this religion from the city, significant as number and material state. Therefore, in 1858, the catholic community from Severin numbers 600 souls, fact which determines the appointment of a stable priest. Also, in […]

The “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1454

After the town of Turnu Severin was reproclaimed county residence, on April 23rd 1833, major Ion Ciupagea settled here with his wife, title lady Dumitrana. To their name we also tie the „Maioreasa” church foundation. It was raised at the advice of father Mitrică from Cerneţi, at the time archbishop. With a special piety for […]

Bust of Gheorghe Anghel, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1453

Gheorghe D. Anghel (born August 22nd 1904 in Drobeta Turnu Severin – died April 9th 1966, Bucharest) was a Romanian sculptor. At the age of 19, after finishing the School for boys no. 3 and Traian High school, he leaves for Bucharest where he enrols in the School of Fine arts. After attending the classes […]

The Art Museum, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1452

The building that houses the museum was built by the Sabetay family, one of the richest and most famous families in the area, in the 1890s by a team of Italian architects constructors. The refinement and sumptuousness of the interiors are the attributes that give it the feel of a palace. The Venice crystal in […]
