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Saint Pantelimon Monastary, BalaciCod 1527

Saint Pantelimon Monastary between Balaci and Siliștea-Gumești had a much more cruel fate than the other monastaries around Balaci. The military unit and the airport, founded here after WWII, erased any trace of the convent. There is a letter of an archbishop from Teleorman requesting the Historical Monuments Commision in 1921, the demolition of the […]

The Adormirea Maicii Domnului Church, BalaciCod 1526

The church was built in the second part of the 17th century by Constantin Bălăceanu. From the official documents it’s shown that the „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” church building began in 1864 but was finalized in 1825, due to a turbulent period through which the Bălăceanu family went, who handled the construction of the Christian building. […]

The Ruins of Constantin Aga Bălăceanu’s Court, BalaciCod 1525

They were raised three centuries ago, the ruins of the Bălăceanu court, by Constantin Bălăceanu, who wanted to set the new capital of Wallachia here. Constantin Bălăceanu was Şerban Cantacuzino’s son in law and he aspired to the Wallachia throne. Here is where he dreamed to set up the new royal residence, after his throne […]

The Statue of Liviu Vasilică, AlexandriaCod 1524

Liviu Vasilică (b. July 2, 1950, in Plosca, Teleorman County – d. October 19, 2004) was a Romanian traditional music singer in Teleorman County, by profession pediatrician. He began his artistic activity of vocal popular music  in student days (1974-1980), ranking the first place in all stages of the National Student Art Festival, for the […]

„First World War” Monument from Alexandria, AlexandriaCod 1523

The monument dedicated to the First World War was made by sculptor Spiridon Georgescu (1887-1974), a native of Poseşti Commune, in Prahova County. At the outbreak of World War I, internally, Romania was a country where even if democratic regime institutions were present, the functioning of the state was far from Western standards. The ecomomy […]

The Bust of Cuza, AlexandriaCod 1522

The bust of Alexandru Ioan Cuza is executed by the sculptor I. Iordănescu in the year 1914, being an allegorical statue. Alexandru Ioan Cuza (or Alexandru Ioan I; born on the 20th of March 1820, Bârlad, the Principality of Moldavia, today in Romania – the 15th of May 1873; Heildelberg, Germany) was the first prince […]

The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church, AlexandriaCod 1521

The Holy Apostles Peter And Paul Church is a beautiful architectural work, imposing and special as opposed to all others in the city and county. It is built in the shape of a cross with four towers, two big and two small, being well structured in the front with traditional bizantine forms and well balanced […]

The Adormirea Maicii Domnului Church, AlexandriaCod 1520

The church was founded by Raşcu Ivan Galina and his wife, Anica. The church construction began in 1853 next to a very old ruin of a church in the Băcăleşti neighborhood in the most suthern part of town and was completed in 1860. On December 6th 1860 it was sanctified by Metropolitan Nifon. In 1890 […]

Saint Alexander Cathedral, AlexandriaCod 1519

In 1836, two years since Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica (1834-1842), king of Wallachia founded the town, the inhabitants raised a wooden church celebrating Saint Alexander, which shortly became too tight. This is why, after a solid effort, the town episcopacy managed to build, between 1869 and 1898 the current Cathedral, sanctified by Metropolitan Iosif Gheorghian on […]

The Teleorman County Museum, AlexandriaCod 1518

In 1934, during the centenial celebration of the town of Alexandria, the city counsil decides to found a town museum to display and keep documents found in different archives, as well as some materials that proved the existence and culture of the population in these parts. The museum was instated, in the beginning, in a […]
