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Pavlikeni Zoo-Park, PavlikeniCod 2557

The Pavlikeni Zoo-Park, is located in the town of Pavlikeni in Veliko Turnovo. The Zoo-Park has 119 animals of 38 species that inhabit the area of 8 acres of 300-400 meters from the city center. At the beginning of the park it is built a playgorund with swings and slides for children and benches for parents.

The creator of Pavlikeni Zoo Park is Mr. Dimitar Yankov, and it all started in 1966 with a deer offered by the hunting team. ater, even he – with his own work and initiative, decided to turn the site, the former scrap warehouse into a Zoo-Park. Over the years, the number and variety of animals grow considerably, to the delight of all – large and small, adults and children who voluntarily come here,and the Zoo-Park has become a favorite place for residents of the small town, which often come to enjoy it.

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