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Planetarium, ConstanțaCod 1159

PLANETARIUM from Constanța is part of the Natural Science Museum Complex, allows visitors to participate to a journey of initiation into the hidden mysteries of the heavenly vault. As a window opened to the sky, there are presented stars, planets, meteors, galaxies and other celestial bodies that have been watching over the mankind for thousands of years.

Planetarium from Constanţa is like a “lighthouse” to the bank of the Black Sea.

The first public spot of this kind in the country, founded in 1969, the year when the man managed to touch for the first time the moon with his foot. Planetarium from Constanţa reveals even today the mysteries hard to break of the sky. A world beyond us, formed of stars, planets, meteors, galaxies reveals to you but you are also helped to learn to travel through them using constellations, those who contribute to make this picture, which has not undergone any restoration during the last 2000 years.

The building is located at the intersection of Mamaia Boulevard with Soveja Street, near the southern entrance in Mamaia resort, reveals even today the hard to break mysteries of the sky.

Planetarium has a dome with a diameter of 8 meters and a capacity of 80 seats, a place for demonstrations. During these demonstrations, visitors can watch the projection of a starry sky on an artificial vault.

At the entrance, one can visit an exhibition, showing the structure of the Universe, starting from metagalaxy, up to the structure of the Solar System, showing the planets in images, along with their features.

Within the Museum Complex of Natural Sciences – Planetarium, a series of investments have been made that lead to an enhanced comfort for the lovers of the stellar performance. The ceiling and the pavement have been changed,the pavement is now in stairways, which favors visibility. Another aspect consists in replacing the cinema armchair seats , which were changed, 60 armchairs, special planetarium chairs,  inclined at 15 degrees, because people have to look up and should have available a proper chair. The  Planetarium offer was also completed with a high-performance video-projector that comes  to modernize the scientific offer for young people focused on the scientific study.

The Planetarium welcomes the visitors with 3D projections, with specific topics,  in the conference room “Marcel Stanciu.”. The current video-projector is much more efficient than the analog one. The digital planetarium allows the viewing also by children, because the environment is not darken at maximum, but is semi-dark. It also enables the in-depth viewing of the planets and of the solar systems. Throughout the day, in the cinema hall are played 3D screenings for the passionate of astronomy and not only: “Light travel in the Universe,” “Underwater World”, cartoons (for parents who come with their children).

Planetarium from Constanţa was awarded during “Astro 2015”- Gala of the non-formal education through astronomy,  for youth,  for supporting astronomy.

The visiting schedule is flexible, especially during summer. The audience visiting the museum is very varied, from preschoolers to the elderly. During low season, the Planetarium is visited by organized groups of pupils and students, and during summer tourists are those who come in large number to explore the mysteries of the sky.

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