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“Saint Parascheva” Church, PlevenCod 2277

Information about “Saint Parascheva” church was found in the Turkish Ottoman registers from 1523. In 1850, in the district Manyovo, with modest donations from the inhabitants there was built a small church with double vivid fences and chalk, dedicated to Saint Petka – Parascheva. Around the year 1858, the church was opened as a school. Together with the development of the crafts and of the commerce from the city, the small church was renewed and was extended. With much effort, throughout many months, the church’s board was in the impossibility of obtaining the approval of the Sultan Berat.
The construction of the temple started in the year 1868 and was finished in 1869. Therefore, in order to replace the former temple, it was built the magnificent basilica. Author of the building is the grand master Triavna Gencho Kanev.

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