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St. Haralambie Church, ShablaCod 2046

The church was built in 1853. It is a monument of culture with remarkable works. Called St. Haralambos, bishop of Magnesia, who preached the doctrine of Christ. Shabla devastating earthquake in 1900 crashed to the ground what has been started, the damage temporarily suspended their work. Very exciting are the lists that kept the names of those who were killed, containing the lowest respectful tribute for the work came from God. Completing the construction of the temple has been around 1908-1909 then was consecrated by Metropolitan of Varna and Preslav Simeon.
The entire building of the Temple is made of stone. Until recently, the bell was hung by the tree to the left of the entrance. Now the belltower is built. The Temple “St. Martyr Haralambos” is a basilica with three naves. It was built by master Hristo Bozhkov- Zagoretsa. The oldest icons in the church are 1857 and were painted by famous painter in Dobrogea – Zachary Tsanyov Tryavna. In year 1999 is overloaded, and the interior has undergone a major renovation, begun by Father Vasile Selemet in the summer of 2000. It includes both parishioners and all citizens and volunteers are implementing donating actions. Thus, joint efforts for five months until Christmas Eve – December 23, completely transform the look narthex, nave and altar. The atmosphere in the temple impresses with the special light created by white marble and golden bronze of the iconostasis.

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