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The Armenian Apostolic Church “Surp Astvadzadzin”Cod 2468

The Armenian Apostolic Church “Surp Astvadzadzin” (in Bulgarian “Virgin Mary”) in town of Silistra is the oldest Armenian church in Bulgaria. Information about the building of the temple was found on the inscription over a stone which was dug into the earthen floor of the church. This stone is now exposed in one of the churches rooms. According this inscription the church dates from 1069 by the Armenian chronology, which by the Gregorian calendar is 1620.
The first name of the church was “Surp Krikor Lusarovich” (in Bulgarian “St. Gregory the enlightener”). The study of the temple discovered that first was built the main part and two smaller rooms. Between the two small rooms is located the altar (on it is not customary to leave items such as artificial flowers, icons, etc.).
The church walls are decorated with icons painted with oil paints. The dome is unique, with murals paintings on it, which is rare for the Armenian churches. There are special arranged holes at the upper parts of the southern and northern sides of the main hall, which improve the acoustics in the church.

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