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The Calcareous Walls from Petroșani, PetroșaniCod 1230

The calcareous walls from Petroșani constitute a monument situated on the administrative territory of the commune Deleni, village Petroșani and it is considered a monument of nature of geological, zoological, scientific type.

The calcareous walls impress by the aspect resulted following the external agents, by the erosion of the water, and they are composed by the Cretaceous Cenomanian deposits, in which there are noticed the presence of the pudding stone and the fossil remains of ammonite, lamellibranchiate and echinoid.

The total surface of the area is of 8 hectares and the flora is formed from rare plants, xenophites and calcifies.

The scenery, situated at the bottom of the village from Dobrogea, hide in mystery and in stories the entire area, and the day noise of the sheep flocks, are hit by the white walls and attire the hamlet in a special echo.

The calcareous walls of the quarries have been many times the perfect space for escalade and alpinism competitions, but also a training space for the troops of mountain hunters which were situated in the barracks from Petroșani.

Deleni is a commune from the city of Constanța, Dobrogea, Romania formed from the villages Deleni (the residence), Petroșani, Pietreni and Șipotele.

According to the census performed in 2011, the population of the commune Deleni was up to 2.388 inhabitants, dropping in comparison with the previous census of 2002, when there were registered 2.534 inhabitants.

The majority of the inhabitants is Romanian (94, 1%), with a minority of Turks (1, 8%).

For 4, 06% of the population, the ethnical affiliation isn’t known.

From the confessional point of view, the majority of the inhabitants are Orthodox (93, 3%), with a minority of Muslims (2, 05%).

For 4, 06% of the populations, it isn’t known the confessional affiliation.

The locality Petroșani looks like a village built up of stone, with stone fences, on a stone foundation, like a coagulated lava discharge.

In the past, the village was named Köseler, and at the census of 2002 it had a population of 614 inhabitants.

The researches performed here discovered traces of the existence of the locality, around the Vth century b. Chr., therefore there were found relics of a Getae fighter and near there was found a mass of points of bronze arrows and an offering vessel made of clay, covered with a lid.

The tourist objective from Deleni:

  • the Calcareous Wall from the locality Petroșani
  • the Deleni Monastery
  • Roman tomb found on the perimeter of the Pietreni locality.


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