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Voda Cave, Tabachka villageCod 2390

Cave “Vodna” ( “Water”) lies 5 km east of the s. Tabachka on the left bank of the river Lom Chenri. Wearing this Name, perhaps because of a cubic spring that is in its bottom. Local legend has it that the water in Afrim healing properties. Cave has a natural high semicircular niche on two floors, consists of vertical cliffs on the river. Based niche width is approximately 90 meters. At this leads a path that encircles the stone plateau that reaches 4 m in width was growing where it forms a small plateau just before the entrance to the cave. From the outside of the trail seen some nests excavated stone, probably designed in the past parapetelui vertical beams. In the main adăposului already, inside, at its core, is a large block of stone, which amounts to about one meter deaspupra floor facility, a round basin carved in its upper part with a diameter of 0.51 m and depth of 0.20 m. the structure in question was largely destroyed by treasure hunters interventions. For the last time, a still untouched Photo of the altar was made in the fall of 2002. On the walls and ceiling inlaid Vodnic there more Greek and Latin inscriptions, observed since Karel Skorpil published early last century. In most inscriptions are proper names of veterans Romans, who probably visited Information and left to themselves the target of stone in antiquity. Vodna cave on the left side is a small niche in the rock, near which there are images in the rock prehistoric era and the Middle Ages. After that, down the path of that there are still a small cave, known as “Tamno”. Tunnel cave is a natural input range of 3.80 m and 2.50 m high, inside down gradually. At the entrance sees a groove. Archaeological materials found certifies that the last two structures were first used by man in prehistoric times for cultural purposes and then much later, and the Hermit stone cells in the era of the Middle Ages.

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