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The Monument to Those Who Died in the Uprising in Durankulak, DurankulakCod 2061

The monument is dedicated to those who died in the uprising in Durankulak year 1900. It is located near the border with Romania, between Durankulak and Staevtsi.

Dupa votarea Legii cu privire la zeciuiala din 15 ianuarie 1900 a Zecelea
After voting the law on tithes of 15 January 1900 of the Tenth National Assembly, in Dobrogea broke dissatisfaction. It conducts protests in Shabla, Krushari, Pcelarovo, Dobrich, Paskalevo, Pobeda, Krassen, Kavarna and elsewhere in Dobrogea. Most active in these emotions are villagers of Giora / Vidnoe /, Giorman / Prolia /, Sary Musa / Smin /, Karamanlii / Vaklino /, Satalmash / Ezerets /, Durankulak, Gargalak / Vranino /, Karaalar / Neikovo /, Kalaydzhidere / Tvarditsa / etc. On May 28, 1900 to protest in Durankulak 1,800 villagers participated in the villages Durankulak, Shabla and Syuleymanlashka, aiding villagers from other villages in the region of Balchik. The rally adopted a resolution in which it called for repeal of the law of tithing and protested against arbitrary actions of the police in Balchik.

Police began mass arrests. After collisions on June 1 year 1900 were killed and about 400 wounded villagers. After suppressing the revolt, the government placed its troops around Shabla, Durankulak and other rebellious villages.

For 40 days, the army and police carried out arrests in the population of Balchik region. Towards mid-July, the military situation was abrogated.

In this so called domestic political situation created after the revolt, the government does not judge the prisoner’s peasants in Dobrogea. Only some of the most prominent organizers of the uprising were tried in autumn 1900 by the criminal court in Varna. In year 1901 Petko Karavelov’s government repealed the law on tithes and introduced land tax. Then, participants in riots sateen received amnesty.

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