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The Scaidava Fortress, Batin villageCod 2316

Thracian settlement and late ancient and medieval city Scaidava is 1.5 km north of Batin village, over a high ridge between the Danube and the river Batinska. The place is known as “Kale Bair”. The city has an elongated shape, according to the configuration of land. It occupies an area of about 25 acres. On one edge passed the city wall. Now the best outstanding is the east wall, it can be seen parts of it, built of stone and mortar.
O the the western access side appear traces of a ditch. In the north, the rock, was dug a tank measuring 4 and 3.5 m. K. Shkorpil identifies castle fortress Sacidava / Scaidava “which is mentioned in the Vademecum Emperor Antony, between Nove and Trimamium. East of the city there was a settlement in the same periods in which existed the city.

The ridge until vestiges Scaidava city, a tourist route is built with pavilions, barbecue places, open stage, and at about 300 meters there is a beautiful fountain. This is one of the most panoramic locations on the Danube in Ruse county. From here I can see the islands of Batin and Doychov, also interesting birds can be observed through technical or other specialized binocular.

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