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The Episcopacy from Giurgiu, GiurgiuCod 1041

The church was throughout the centuries not only a keeper of the God teachings, but also a keeper of those spiritual values which formed and kept the identity of this nation, of these grounds.

This thing was understood by all the servants of the Church, but also by the First Prophet from the Episcopacy of Giurgiu, His Grace the Priest Ambrozie who, immediately after his installment on the throne as the first bishop of this county of Vlașca, took care of recovering, protecting and valorizing all that meant the evidence of Christian life in this corner of the country.

The foundation of the Episcopacy of Giurgiu made that only in 3 years the entire spiritual life to come back to life, the Church became more working by the means of its pastors and grazing, more involved in all the aspects of the social life and breakthrough.

In the premise of the Episcopacy of Giurgiu there functions the Missionary Cultural Center “NICHIFOR CRAINIC”.

The Episcopacy from Giurgiu founded the Diocesan Publishing House, with whose help there have been published a series of works, such as:

  • “Church almanac – The Episcopacy from Giurgiu”;
  • “The Orthodox Magazine”;
  • “The Diocesan Magazine”;
  • The Monograph of the Brâncovenesc Drăgunescu Mansion called “The pastoral – cultural center Gavril Drugănescu”;
  • The Monograph of the Archpriestship Mihăilești
  • The Monograph of the Episcopal Cathedral “The Assumption of Mary” – Giurgiu, written by Mr. Univ. Dr. Radu Åžtefan Vergatti in collaboration with the priest Protos Dr. Teodor Åžerban, Diocesan Secretary;
  • The Monograph “The commune Bolintin Deal – a history in words and in images”;
  • The Monograph of the Skete “Saint Nicholas”;
  • The Albume “The Comana Monastery – history, consecration, eternity”.

Ambrozie Sinaitul, with his mirean name Valentin Meleacă, (born on the 20th of April 1969, in Scorțeni, county of Prahova) is a Romanian orthodox priest, holder of the Episcopal chair of the Episcopacy of Giurgiu, member of the Holy Assembly of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

In the year 1990 he was assigned in monasticism at the Skete Crasna, and in the year 1932 he was ordained as deacon, then priest. In the year 1996 he was elected as prior at the Skete Darvari from Bucharest, and in the same year he obtained his license in theology. In the year 1999 he receives the degree of Protosinghel and he achieves a Master’s degree in theology at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology from Bucharest. Between 1999 and 2005 he performed studies of Doctorate at the Faculty of Theology of the University from Thessaloniki, and in the year 2005 he becomes a Doctor in Theology. On the 15th of October 2000 he was chosen as patriarch vicar bishop, and in the year 2006 bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopacy of Giurgiu.

Among the Episcopacy it was formed the Museum of the Episcopacy. The museum’s collections numbers now over 1200 books and over 250 religious objects. The attention for the security, conservation and exposal conditions of these values has a permanent character, the personnel qualification for this kind of activities being a priority.


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