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Dolna Oriahovitsa Ethnographic Museum, Dolna OriahovitsaCod 2578

Dolna Oriahovitsa’s ethnographic museum is part of the Gorna Oriahovitsa history museum. It is situated on Kozlevi’s family house, monument rehabilitated in 1970.

Downstairs you can see the outdoor oven, stove, barn planks and exhibition hall, and at the top – the guest room, loom and room for youth. The hosts Numerous beautiful yard plants typical for the region.
House-ethnographic museum – Dolna Oryahovitsa was opened on the eve of Easter – April 15th 1993. Ethnographic Museum is located in the 2 acres of over 400 square meters and an exhibition area. The total volume is made up of two separate parts. It consists of two separate parts. The ground floor barn plank, microwave outdoor stove, rural houses and exhibition hall, showing costumes and clothing urban century XIX – XX, household items of value – emerged from caring hands Self-taught local craftsmen. At the top is haet the (guest), which captures the eye with bright colors woven carpets in the house and capture the warmth and comfort of the guest house Dolna Oryahovitsa; youth room is in the style of the 30s Twentieth century and horizontal loom. The barn is completely restored and adapted for the showroom. The yard is spacious with typical village plantations. They can be seen and unique items related to gardening popular here during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Local gardeners are renowned for their artistry far beyond the country’s borders.
Here are preserved over 1.000 artefacts, documents and photos that are a characteristic of ethno-demographic and socio-Gorna Oryahovitsa traditional area. Also included are unique on the development of gardening immigrants in the area during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ethnographic Museum is declared a cultural monument of local importance.

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